Beechcraft Super Kingair 200. The Super Kingair is the mainstay of the mining charter and aeromedical fleets in Australia largely due to its solid construction and extraordinary reliability. The Kingair has a large, comfortable and pressurized cabin and is ideal for both executive transport and crew transfers. Contact Pay’s for more information or a quote on your charter requirements.
Cessna C208B Grand Caravan. The turbine powered Caravan is a modern, air conditioned 14 seat aircraft with superb short field and rough field capabilities. It has an enormous freight carrying capability and excellent range that enables it to serve even the remotest parts of Australia. Contact Pay’s for more information or a quote on your charter requirements.
Single Engine piston aircraft. Pay’s also operate a number of smaller single engine aircraft on charter. They are limited to a maximum of 3 passengers and can only be operated during the day in fine weather conditions.